Recognising that successful community initiatives go beyond financial giving, Mapletree’s employees volunteer their time actively and engage the communities where they are based at.
The Mapletree Staff CSR Programme was launched in 2014 to encourage employees to lead ground-up CSR initiatives. Employees were encouraged to form teams and submit ideas, and selected teams were awarded seed funding of S$5,000 to carry out their activities. The criteria for the award of seed funding include the quantifiable impact of the initiative, staff commitment, and long-term partnership with the beneficiaries.
In FY22/23, a total of 19 teams from 11 markets where Mapletree has business presence, were awarded seed funding to carry out staff-led CSR projects. The teams which conducted their activities were from our offices in Singapore, Australia, China, Hong Kong SAR, Japan, Poland, the Netherlands, South Korea, the UK, the US and Vietnam. Three teams from India were awarded seed funding but tapped on their respective entity’s budget for CSR as mandated by the India Company Act.
Purchased, packed and distributed food bundles to 300 families with Food Bank.
The Netherlands
Purchased groceries, put together a menu and cooked meals over three evening shifts for 50 people seeking shelter at Stoelenproject.
The US
Planted flowers, weeded flower beds and conducted other activities to help clean up and restore Piedmont Park.
The UK
Volunteered to purchase and distribute gifts for children up to 18 years old at the Great Ormond Street Hospital during the Christmas season
Renovated the playground for Children House in District 7 and planted 65 new trees and flowers to improve the environment for 645 children aged between 6 and 14 years old.
Carried out improvements works to benefit close to 1,000 students studying in Government Higher Secondary School, Perugundi, Chennai.